Portada Crazy Peach

Crazy Peach

Publishing date:9/01/2014


Ana and Nekane run a photography studio in the old part of Madrid. One day a fire breaks out in the building and, although they’re used to working with the most glamorous models, they are amazed by the macho men dressed in blue who aren’t afraid to get their hair singed or their hands dirty.

When Ana’s camera viewer settles on Rodrigo, she knows in her heart that nothing will ever be the same again. He notices her staring at him spellbound and, although he isn’t attracted to her, they embark upon a strange friendship.

Things get more complicated when Ana realizes that she’s pregnant and Nekane urges her to make her sexual fantasy with the fireman happen before her belly, stretch marks and morning sickness put him off.

But a lie that Ana tells her parents will lead to an endless tangle of misunderstandings and incredible situations that will leave Rodrigo speechless.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 9/01/2014

ISBN: 978-84-08-03906-8

Pages: 440

Imprint: Esencia

Rights sold

Planeta Brasil (Brazil), TEA (Italia), Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal).



Vídeos sobre Crazy Peach

Booktrailer Melocoton loco Megan Maxwell

Other titles of the author