Portada Hello, Do You Remember Me?

Hello, Do You Remember Me?

Publishing date:2/06/2015


Alana is an independent journalist who takes refuge in her profession because she is very sceptical about love. But when the magazine where she works sends her to do a report on New York, the whims of fate will see her meet Joel Parker, an attractive American. However, when Alana discovers that he is a captain in the United States Marines, she runs away without saying goodbye.

Utterly bewildered by Alana’s reaction, Captain Parker does all he can to find out the reasons that lie behind it until he discovers that, like him, her father was an American soldier. 

International Editions

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Publishing date: 2/06/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-14190-7

Pages: 452

Imprint: Esencia

Rights sold

Planeta (Brasil, México, Ecuador).

Audiovisual rights optioned.


Megan Maxwell’s most personal and intimate novel ever will move you from beginning to end. 

Pídeme lo que quieras (Ask Me Anything), her debut in erotic fiction, won the Three Plumes Award for Best Erotic Novel at the Passion Awards for the Romantic Novel. 

This book tells the tales of two relationships from different times, in different cities and under very different circumstances, but in which love is always the central character.


Vídeos sobre Hello, Do You Remember Me?

Hola, ¿te acuerdas de mí?

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