Portada Desire Fulfilled

Desire Fulfilled

Publishing date:5/07/2016


Lady Megan Phillips is a beautiful but feisty young woman who has to take care of her two young siblings. In her difficult life she has forged a true warrior’s personality and refuses to bow to anyone.

The Highlander Duncan McRae, better known as Falcon, is a warrior used to leading armies, fighting battles and coming out victorious with his clan. However, when he gets to Castle Dunstaffnage for the marriage of his good friend Alex McDougall, he is confronted with an enemy the likes of which he has never seen: Lady Megan Phillips, a dark haired woman who is afraid of nothing.

Amazed by the young woman’s drive and brazenness, Falcon can’t take his green eyes off her. And after making a promise to the girl’s grandfather, he finds himself joined to her in marriage for a year and a day.

What does fate hold in store for the McRaes? Will they come to an understanding or end up hating each other forever?

International Editions

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Publishing date: 5/07/2016

ISBN: 978-84-08-15740-3

Pages: 512

Imprint: Esencia

Rights sold

Planeta Brasil (Brazil), Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal).


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