Portada Guess Who I Am

Guess Who I Am

Publishing date:25/03/2014


Yanira works as a singer in hotels in Tenerife. She’s single and likes to experience new things so she decides to get into the world of swingers. In one of the bars she meets an Italian who will teach her that sex can be much more than she ever suspected.

A year later, she moves to Barcelona and starts to work as a waitress on a cruise liner. Also on the ship is Dylan, an attractive maintenance worker who barely notices her, in spite of Yanira’s hints and smiles.

What she doesn’t know is that he watches her more than she thinks and the attraction they feel for each other will lead them to an endless round of dirty, fun and sexy games.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 25/03/2014

ISBN: 978-84-08-12511-2

Pages: 448

Imprint: Esencia

Rights sold

Planeta (Brasil), Newton Compton (Italy), Manuscrito (Portugal), Amber (Poland), Planeta (Colombia, Ecuador, México, Perú).

Option rights

Bertelsmann “Family Leisure Club” (Ukraine), Pegasus (Turkey), labutxaca (Catalan).


Megan Maxwell has become the best-read author in her genre in Spain thanks to the popularity of her erotic saga Pídeme lo que quieras (Ask Me Anything), which has sold over 600,000 books.

A fun erotic comedy that will get you smiling and feeling as though you’re looking through the protagonist’s own eyes.


Vídeos sobre Guess Who I Am

Booktrailer Adivina quién soy

Other titles of the author